Stay fresh!
Flower Care 101
Fresh cut.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t just drop those beauties right in the vase when you get home! Flowers need a little stem trim every 2-3 days to increase longevity. Snip the ends of your bouquet when you get home, just a 1/4” will do! Many droopy blooms will perk right up!
Fresh water.
Your bouquet is running a marathon just trying to stay alive for you…she’s gonna be thirsty! Make sure you change that water out at least every 1-2 days. Leaves and petals aren’t great for water quality and can cause bacteria to build up in your vase. When in doubt, rinse it out!
Fresh air.
Know what is feels like to be in an NYC subway station in the heat of July? Yeah…it sucks! Flowers hate the heat just as much as you hate summer commutes on the C Train. Give your blooms a nice spot out of the sun and away from heating sources or steamy bathrooms.